Welcome to the Bluffdale 15th Ward Home page! 

2024 Ward Plan 

In 2024, the Bluffdale 15th ward leadership will seek to help others come to Christ and assist in the gathering of Israel in more meaningful ways.

Bringing all unto Jesus Christ (Missionary efforts):

Ward will work unitedly in missionary efforts to help bring all unto Christ.

We will continue in the goal to visit every family in our ward boundaries at least once in 2024. We will identify several focus families and individuals that have been receptive this past year. We will seek inspiration in assigning special ministers to help these families and individuals continue in their return to full activity in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Colby Wells and Karen Nay will be assigned as Jr companions to these special ministers. Brother Wells and Sister Nay will also help us coordinate efforts with the YSA Stake Missionaries. We will also encourage the youth leadership presidencies to visit each member of their classes and quorums in their homes. We will encourage all ministering companionships and all ward membership to help in accomplishing this goal. We will continue using the Google Doc that can be viewed and edited by all ward leadership to keep track of visits. 

Our goal is to help at least 2 families or individuals return to the Gospel of Jesus Christ this year. In our visits, we will seek to be guided by the Holy Ghost (Alma 17-2-4) and to follow the pattern found in Alma 5. 

  • Help them remember and feel the spirit of Christ
  • Help them self-evaluate
  • Invite them to repent, and to change
  • Bear testimony of truth
  • Ask for a commitment

Ward Missionary Committee will hold weekly huddles (no more than 10 minutes in length) to organize missionary efforts. Once a month the committee will hold a longer meeting to organize and cover more in depth as needed. An emphasis will be placed on visiting people in their homes on a weekly basis. This pertains to visits made by members of the Missionary Committee, Ward Council, as well as for all Class and Quorum Presidencies. Classes and quorums will also set aside time monthly as part of their lessons for success stories to be shared specific to missionary work.

In our missionary huddles, we will ask these questions:

  • Who did we reach out to or visit this last week? (Love)
  • Did we testify of a truth? (Share) 
  • Did we ask for their help and a commitment? (Invite) 
  • Who do we need to see this week?

Our goal is to bring at least two new converts to Christ through baptism or be taught the missionary discussions. 

Bringing all unto Jesus Christ (Temple and Family History efforts):

Ward will work unitedly in promoting, teaching, accomplishing Family History work, and increasing attendance in the House of the Lord.

Ward Temple and Family History Committee will hold weekly huddles (no more than 10 minutes in length) to organize family history efforts and attendance in the House of the Lord. Once a month the committee will hold a longer meeting to organize and cover more in depth as needed.

In our weekly Temple and Family History huddles, we will ask these questions:

  • Who did we take with us or help get to the House of the Lord?
  • Who did we help with Family History work this past week?
  • Did we testify of a truth? 
  • Did we ask for their help and a commitment?
  • Who specifically can we help this week?  

Classes and quorums will also set aside time monthly as part of their lessons for success stories to be shared specific to family history and attendance at the House of the Lord.

We will plan for and hold our Family History Discovery Day at the ROB Center in 2024. Our goal is to have everyone come with their Family History account and password set-up prior to the event. Our goal is to have at least 100 people in attendance for this event. 

We will continue inviting families to attend the ROB Center monthly. 

We will continue our 2 monthly sealing groups in the House of the Lord and proactively make calls to invite members to attend. 

Our goal in 2024 is to increase the number of ward members that have filled out their first four generations chart. We are currently at 61.1% and our goal is to surpass 70%. 

Our goal is also to increase attendance in the House of the Lord and the number of temple recommend holders. 

Additional Efforts to be Made:  

We will seek to strengthen relationships within our ward by organizing quality activities and opportunities to gather and to serve one another. Specific ward parties and gatherings (at least quarterly) will take place to foster and increase friendships and a sense of belonging for all ward members and neighbors. We will strive for an emphasis of inclusion and invitation for everyone. Also, these gatherings will provide an opportunity to learn and grow in the Gospel. 

Sacrament Meeting talks and music, as well as all other 2nd hour Sabbath day worship will be centered around Jesus Christ.

Classes and quorums will utilize activities, lessons, parties and gatherings specific to their group to also foster friendship, unity and a sense of belonging. We will use care and emphasis to “seek out the one” as the Savior has taught us to do.

This emphasis of becoming more Christlike and communicating specific needs of ward members to ward leadership will also be accomplished through ministering assignments through the Relief Society and Elders Quorum. 

Relief Society and Elders Quorum Presidencies will also seek to inspire and encourage effective ministering by giving a short ministering message once each month in our quorum and class meetings, and by improving the quality of our ministering interviews. 

Sunday School Presidency will provide 8 council meetings for instructors and parents to adopt, improve, and increase the principles contained in, “Teaching in the Saviors Way”, to be applied in church meetings and the home. 

Ward Council will review the Ward Mission Plan quarterly and make adjustments to the plan as needed. First and third quarters we will invite the Temple & Family History Committee to the ward council meeting. Second and fourth quarters, we will invite the Ward Mission Leader to a ward council meeting. Class and quorum presidencies, as well as missionary and temple & family history committees will focus all meetings on the accomplishment of these plans and goals and will make adjustments as needed. 

Family History Sign Up

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